The term basically translates to Christmas market - and damn is there a lot of them. That and mulled wine. Which I rather like so thats alright. And not to mention when you buy the wine they normally give you a mug that goes with it. It is super sweet but 1 or 2 cups ain't bad, then simply switch to the 3.5€ beers.
This is one of the main markets to find, though they are literally everywhere. Every neighborhood has one - every part of town. Festive lot those Berliners.
Found a weiner finally, got too excited and took a bite before I got the pic off. Thats a really nice mustard, and curry catchup. Not to be confused with Katsup, or curywurst for that matter. Which I never tried unfortunately. Moments later I would spill some mustard on my nice jacket - it blended well with the hummos that i spilled in London.
These guys tore it up moments later with a xmas tune.
Here's a nice view down the isle. Lots of small nicknacks and festive food here. I got Gran a santa cause she collects them - only about 5€.
There's a ferris wheel.
Fernsehturm opposite.
Parting pic: Here's a really drunk dude trying to skate.
Overall it was nice to walk around here, at least just to see what exactly the popular Christmas thing was to do in Berlin. I could successfully cross off a few things off of my list as well - bratwurst and a few xmas presents down.