The Museums of Berlin

During my week stay in Berlin I managed about 8 museums and art spaces. There's quite a bit happening with something like 600 galleries in the city alone. I saw most of the major ones including: Kunste Werk, Hamburger Bahnoff, Martin Gropius Bau, The Bauhaus Archive, Museum of World Cultures. I did not enter all but most of the good shows I saw.

On the way to the Bauhaus there is this relic of WWII one of the train stations used to deport older people to the camps. Pretty creepy in the fog.

On the way to the Bauhaus there is this relic of WWII one of the train stations used to deport older people to the camps. Pretty creepy in the fog.

Bauhaus Archive

Bauhaus Archive

Theres a giant forest in the middle of the city.

Theres a giant forest in the middle of the city.

The following day I went around Checkpoint Charlie. This is close to the center of the city "Mitte" and nearby is the Wall and next to that is Martin Gropius Bau.

The following day I went around Checkpoint Charlie. This is close to the center of the city "Mitte" and nearby is the Wall and next to that is Martin Gropius Bau.


Here is the Berlin Wall. It's the last remaining stretch still up. Beside it there is a musem setup by the German government called the Topography of Terror. This details the entire history of the Nazi Party up to and including the fall of Hitler and the Reich. 


Next was Christoph Schlingenseif - really big player in German Art/Political movement. He has died a few years ago. At Kunste Werk they are now holding a giant retrospective of his work. He works mostly with Video and Installation pieces. Very extensive. Much of it I did not fully comprehend as it enters far into german cultural and socio-policial spheres. 

These folks are prescribed to sit on these high tree thingys throughout the run of the exhibition. 

These folks are prescribed to sit on these high tree thingys throughout the run of the exhibition. 

This was nice, a kind of chair for elderly then installed is a video which an audience of one can see. 

This was nice, a kind of chair for elderly then installed is a video which an audience of one can see. 

There were easily like 30 different videos between small screens projections and tv monitors. The guy was extremely productive.

There were easily like 30 different videos between small screens projections and tv monitors. The guy was extremely productive.

Outside of the museum he has a kind of protest piece that talks about the poor treatment to African migrants to Germany.

Outside of the museum he has a kind of protest piece that talks about the poor treatment to African migrants to Germany.

Filler pic of the river - been thinking about them alot recently.

Filler pic of the river - been thinking about them alot recently.

Lastly I made a short trip to the Hamburger Bahnoff. This actually used to be an old train station, as it's name refers to. This is situated next to the newly (within the last 10 years) Hauptbahnoff, Berlin's central station. The museum houses lots of contemporary art, there was a big group show on when I went. Lots of Twombly and Beuys.

This was the great hall of the station. The woman standing in the front was reenacting a piece by Tino Sehgal.

This was the great hall of the station. The woman standing in the front was reenacting a piece by Tino Sehgal.


That's about all the museums I visited, quite a long post but thanks for looking!